Sunday, September 25, 2011

Oh life....

I havent updated in awhile. Life has been kind of crazy. Lots going on and I've been on an emotional roller coaster. Devyn had a seizure at the end of June. It was the scariest night of my life. We didnt know what was going on. I was sleeping and my husband heard D coughing in his sleep in the other room. He went to go check on him and he was shaking and turned over and threw up on his bed. He brought him down to the floor where he lay stiff and not moving. His eyes were open but he was blinking and my husband couldnt tell if he was breathing. He started CPR. I woke up to him screaming Devyn devyn!! I didnt know what was going on! I was screaming and crying...but after my husband started CPR he turned over and threw up some more. I held him and he just sat there with me. We took him to urgent care and they ordered an EEG and neuro consult. The EEG was very difficult. He had to be sleep deprived..he was very very terrified. But, they were able to do the EEG. At the consult they told us that the EEG came back abnormal so his neurologist ordered an MRI and this thing called an LVN or LVM. It is a three day hospital stay for monitoring because he sometimes stares off like daydreaming. I was very scared about the MRI. We went to that last week. He did good during registration and the waiting. But we were there for a long time and he started getting restless. Wouldnt let me change him into a gown..I could barely put his shoes on. We finally took him to where the MRI machine was and as soon as he saw it he threw himself on the floor and starting crying and screaming. As much as it broke my heart I had to drag him to the table with the help of somebody and put him on the bed. Four people had to hold him down then they sedated him. He was fighting until he was completely sedated. Of course I was crying by this point. When the MRI was done I went back and he was very out of it. Crying and screaming trying to get out of the bed. Very scared. I tried to hold him and he calmed down a little bit..but he just wanted to leave. They discharged us and he finally called down when we got back to the car. They are supposed to call us next week for the results. Please pray that the results come back normal. I really hope nothing shows up on that MRI that can be causing these episodes. I could not handle it. I was crying all last night because I kept looking things up and I was scaring myself. I hope my baby is okay. I really hate that he has to go through all this stuff. He has no idea what is going on...I really hope he is okay.
So, that is what has been going on in our life. Still lots of therapy, play groups, appts, etc. So much stuff! We have been busy. Devyn has been picking up A LOT of language. It is pretty amazing. It makes me so happy! He is taking little steps to actually having conversations instead of just answering yes or no. His behavior with Autumn has also gotten better. Still needs work..and he still pushes quite often. But, his behavior with her has been way better then it has been.
He is on break from school for the next three weeks. I really need to find some stuff for him to do! Because when these breaks roll around he really gets out of routine and behaviors start acting up! Oh, another thing that has been happening is he has been scared of going to any new place since getting the EEG. Literally, every new place and places he hasnt been in awhile he has total meltdown and a lot more sensory overloads. It is really sad to watch. I feel like he is missing out on A LOT. I really hope he gets better with this..but until then I'm going to keep trying little by little. But, I think all this stuff going on is just finally getting to him.
I dont know if anyone reads my blog. But, if anyone is reading this please pray for my baby. Please pray if you do for the the MRI to come back normal!!!! Thank you! :)