Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thankful for autism.

There are quite a few days where I have one of those I hate autism moments. As do a lot of other autism parents. But, last night I encountered something that really made me think. I went to Target last night and there was this lady who checked out a few people in front of me. Her child was sitting in the cart crying and screaming. I just knew her child had autism. Unlike the other people in line, I wasn't staring at her. I wasn't giving her and her child dirty looks. I understood. I felt compassion for her. I wish I would have said something to her. I've never been in a situation like that. I've never been somewhere (other than therapy and events) where there was somebody like me and could relate. I really wish I would have said something. But it really made me think. I am very THANKFUL that my son has autism. Autism has shown me compassion, acceptance and patience. Before I had kids I just worried about myself. I was never aware of what SN parents and kids go through. I didn't really think about it because it didn't affect me personally. But, I would never be rude like the people I encounter daily. I was bullied as a child and know how it feels to be put down frequently. I feel for these parents and children. I just wish more people thought this way. I wish more people were accepting and patient. I don't expect everyone to understand and get it. I know a lot of people dont understand this road unless they have been down it. BUT, that isn't an excuse to be ignorant and judgmental and downright cruel. So, please, just take this into consideration... Next time you go to the store, to the park, or somewhere to eat, or an amusement park, or anywhere really...and you see a child having a difficult time PLEASE THINK FOR A MINUTE. Please think before you say something or give a dirty look. Please think. Maybe you are looking at a mother or father that has had a hard long day of therapy and dr appts..a parent who is exhausted beyond belief. Maybe, just maybe, you are looking at a child that is having a sensory overload and maybe a little loud because of it. People need to be more compassionate. More accepting. My son has autism and I am proud of him. He loves EVERYBODY! He is so friendly to everyone and thinks everyone is his friend. But, the sad reality is, is that there are people out there who just sit there and judge him. Really makes me sad. Sad for the people who are doing the judging. It must take a lot of self hatred to put down a young child. Society really makes me sick sometimes.